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Avances en periodoncia; 16; 3; 179-186; 2004. Velasco Ortega E, Medel Soteras R, Linares Gancedo D, Monsalve Guil L, Velasco Ponferrada C. Profesor Titular de Odontología Integrada de Adultos y Gerodontología. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad de Sevilla.
Implant technology is improving the clinical experience of osseointegrated implants with new designs and compositions of their surfaceso This study reports the results of evaluation of titanium implants with acid-etched surface and early loading in patients with unitary, partially and fully tooth loss.
100 TSA Defcon® implants were inserted in 36 patients. 63 implants were placed in the mandible and 47 in the maxilla. All implants were inserted in one-stage. Implants were loaded after a healing free-loading period between 6 weeks (mandible) and 8 weeks (maxilla). Clinical findings (implants and prosthodontics) were followed during 2 years.
Following healing (6-8 weeks), 19 patients were restored with single crowns (64,3%),9 patients with overdentures (26,7%) and 7 patients with fixed bridges (20%), respectively. Early complications (during the healing period) were reported in 3 implants that were removed by mobility.These results indicate a survival and success rate of implants of 97%.
Clinical findings of this study suggest that use of etchet-surface titanium implants can achieve osseointegration and were loaded early as a successful treatment of patients with tooth loss.

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