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Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; 65; 2317-2320; 2007. Penarrocha M, Carrillo C, Boronat A, Martí E. Valencia University Medical and Dental School, Valencia, Spain.
The success of Phibo TSA Implant systems in early loading protocol (6-8 weeks) has a mean value of 98.13%, which is similar to the reviewed literature.
This study estimated the 1-year survival of early-loaded Defcon treatment surface Avantblast (TSA) implants (Impladent; Sentmenat, Barcelona, Spain) and compared this success rate with those reported in the literature for conventionally loaded implants.
In this retrospective case series study, the sample comprised subjects receiving 1 or more implants placed and loaded early between 2002 and 2005. The definition of implant success was based on clinical and radiologic Buser’s criteria; all patients had a follow-up period of 1 year. Information was collected on patient age, gender, oral hygiene, and smoking status; implant location, diameter, and length; and prosthetic parameters for performing an implant survival analysis.
A total of 642 Defcon TSA implants were placed (318 in the maxilla and 324 in the mandible) in 192 patients, who were rehabilitated with 298 prostheses. The implant survival rate was 98.13%. A review of the literature on early loading between 2001 and 2005 revealed a success rate of 98.4%.
Our recorded success rate is similar to that found in the reviewed literature corresponding to large series of patients subjected to early implant loading.

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