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Cirugía de elevación del seno maxilar: «Utilidad de las diferentes técnicas». Caso clínico de elevación de seno y colocación de implantes Phibo TSH y TSA.
Cirugía de elevación del seno maxilar: «Utilidad de las diferentes técnicas». Caso clínico de elevación de seno y colocación de implantes Phibo TSH y TSA.
AVANCES EN ODONOTOESTOMATOLOGÍA. Vol. 39- Núm 4 – 2023 / Especial Implantología
A. Macías Lloret, C. Parra Rogel.
A bibliographic review was carried out on the procedures for the augmentation or elevation of the maxillary sinus for the posterior or/and placement of endosseous implants. Our objective is to present a clinical case and review the existing literature. It can be seen that the subject has been extensively treated by different specialists, describing the different techniques, and also that it is a procedure with a high percentage of success. On the other hand, it can usually be performed in a common dental office with the appropriate aseptic measures; that means: correct preparation of the equipment, sterilization of the instruments and disinfection of the surgical field. That is, all the instruments should be packed in hermetic bags previously sterilized, surgical fields and sterile gloves, table and equipment all properly disinfected. In addition to the fact that both the surgical-nurse team and the surgeon must have disposable sterile surgical caps and gowns. It is important to highlight that when handling bone fillers, they must also comply with the maximum packaging sterilization protocols for their use.
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